Comedian, writer & Filmmaker


Watch me do stuff

Stand Up videos

Bits of stand up comedy


Jason Chong’s Mum

At the end of my festival show “Jason Chong’s Mum”, I invited my audience to fill a box with things they had in their pockets to send to mum. Then mum and I open it together over the internet. These are those packages. These are their stories.


Films I’ve Made


Show and Tell

Mark Trenwith and Jason Chong presented a segment called Show and Tell on C31’s 3rd Degree. The show was put together by UniSA’s TV Association.


City to Bay – vlog

Someone who hates running is doing the 12km City to Bay for the first time ever.

Watch as Chongy succeeds or more likely fails.



1. Go to Wikipedia
2. Click Random Article
3. Write a Stupid Song
4. WikipediAria


Other people’s stuff I’m in

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